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Angel Number 999

Angel Number 999

Angel Number 999 has been a group of number most people want to know more about and today we will speak about this mystical number to assist in it’s understanding.

The number 999 is part of numerology and is seen on numerous occasions with a meaning of most curiosity. So lets start with breaking this number down to come up with the full meaning.

The Number 9

This number is the last independent number before the next set of numbers start (9, 99, 999, 9999), so it will represent endings and the step before new beginnings. It is a message from your Higher Self or your Guardian Angels that it’s time to let go of the old and start a new (most likely your life purpose).

Seeing Double and Triple Numbers    999

Seeing Angel Number 999 or 99 gives more of an important message from the source. This message is telling you that you need to make changes to your life and start working on your life purpose. This message is for you to focus on what you have come here in this life time to accomplish. Are you working a job where there is no fulfillment? Do you feel like there is just something out there that you are to accomplish, but don’t know what it is? When you start to see multiple 9’s it’s time to pay attention not only to the past and let it go, but to your passions and talents that will lead you to where you need to go now.

How is Angel Number 999 Going to Assist You?

Many times I receive the number 999 or notice that I’m seeing more 9’s during the day and I acknowledge them and know internally that I need to focus on what I’m suppose to be doing concerning my life purpose. This is why I’m here now putting my word out, using my passion and talents to help others.   999 meaning


You see, when you start noticing 999 during your daily life or even in your dreams it’s a message for you to let go of things that are no longer for you. This could include people, jobs, career, conflicts and circumstances. This a sign to let go and prepare for the life you need to follow. This can mean a spiritual journey. A journey to devote your talents to helping others, to shine your light and make a difference.

999 and Your Life Purpose

999 meaning

When you see 999 or multiple numbers of 9 it’s usually a message to start focusing on your life purpose. Now your probably saying, “I don’t know what my life purpose is.” Your not alone. I am still moving towards my life purpose. I can only tell you to take what you truly love, your passion and talents and start there. You see if it’s not something that gives you great joy and seem like hard work then you will not proceed when the going gets tough. This is the difference between those that succeed and those that don’t. There have been many times that I found myself in front of a wall, gate, hill or mountain, but I’m still here. I’m doing what I love and that’s all that matters. I now leave the rest to the God within.

Here’s an affirmation for you that might help:

“I now look to God for all my supply. Any road blocks, mountains or gates that I perceive in my way no longer exist. With the God in me all is possible and I remove anything from my path right now in the name of Jesus Christ and So It Is!”

Seeing Angel Number 999 “Now What”

God and the Angels are not telling you when you see 999 to pack up and move or quit your job. I’m still working but have devoted my spare time to what I love to do. I no longer want to go out and use my spare time doing non-productive things. I see people wasting so much time when they could be using that time to invest in themselves to help them make a difference in not only their lives but others.

Take time and first find out what is it you like to do and what are you good at. Then see how can you make that your source of income. You may have to go back to school, take a online course, let go of people that may be dragging you down mentally, physical or spiritually. You know what’s going on in your life. Go places where you are around the things you love to do and start there.

Remember as you make moves and follow your guidance the God within and the Angels will assist you in what you need to accomplish your goals. this is the difference between the Doers and the Don’t.

Another Hint:

What would you continue to do if you never had to worry about money and was financially free?

What topic or thing could you do if it took you to 4 in the morning multiple times during the week or stopped you from hanging out with your friends every weekend?

Start there!

This is Eyvette, from My World of Metaphysics bring you another Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Lesson from the next door. Best to You from Me! Namaste!

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics


Follow Me on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/MyWorldofMetaphysics





See Below Youtube video on 999 Meaning

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF6y-1QXFtA[/embedyt]